Being Part Of The Legacy

On Friday 25th May I packed my bags and headed to Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Well I did celebrate our 20th anniversary as a married couple with my wife but I also had ticket for the first show of the mighty Iron Maiden´s Legacy Of The Beast tour. The gig was to be played at Saku Suurhall which is about ten minutes drive from the city centre. I had a chance to meet Nicko McBrain on Friday. We had a chat about his drumone business in Manchester and I was able to show him the video whcih we did back in 21st April 2018 when he was presenting PAISTE- Treasure symbals. Nicko gave us a good feedback about the vid and he was having a laugh at some points of it. There are some hilarious moments in it. If YOU have´t seen it yet go to and watch it - NOW! The city of Tallinn is very nice place to visit in the summer time. The old town with it´s bars and cafes and small boutigues are worth of visit. Believe me it was a very nice we...