On towards the sea we go...

Madness, that´s what it is.
It started when I was a kid. I think I was around 10 years old when a boy who sitting next to me showed me a cover of the Finnish music magazine where Gene Simmons was pictured in full make up. And if I remember right he had pulled his tongue out too!

My class mate told me that the guy in a cover of that magazine plays in a heavy-metal band called "KISS" and they are the loudest band on earth.
After school we went to my mate´s house and he took a tape  then we listened to it. It was "Creatures Of The Night" drum fill which exploded out from the speakers. I knew this is it.

I got my first KISS tape few weeks later. We went to local music store with my mum. She had her doubts about that kind of music. She even asked the woman behind the counter  that what kind of music is this KISS and she replied "Hellish!" That answer increased my enthusiasm towards KISS.
My mum paid the tape and we went home. I put tape into my cassette player, pressed play and soon "Exciter" started to burst out from the speakers.

In 1986 my mates where talking about going to Iron Maiden and WASP. They asked me to join them. I didn´t have money but me mum gave the money for the ticket. Nowadays the price would be something around 20 euros.

I did knew some Maiden songs "Trooper", "Aces High", "The Number Of The Beast" but I wouldn´t call myself a fan. I also knew WASP..."I Wanna Be Somebody", "Wild Child", "Animal F**k Like A Beast" to name a few.

WASP played their set. It was great! Then Maiden kicked off their set. Lights off and the intro from the Blade Runner started. Then the band hit the stage. Caught Somewhere In Time.
During that particular evening I sold my soul to heavy-metal. Let the madness begin!

What does this got to do with all that´s happening now?
That´s something which I cannot reveal yet.


#KISS #ironmaiden #WASP #concert #fans


  1. In 1982, my mum and I would drive from Canada to New York once a month to visit friends. As you know, 1982 was the inaugural year of MTV (back when music videos were new and useful) and that's where I saw "Run to the Hills" for the first time. I was an immediate fan.. but Canadian rock radio wouldn't touch Iron Maiden. So I had to wait until the next trip and hope that MTV would show that video!!


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