Legacy Of The Beast Hits O2 Arena

Legacy Of The Beast ; London 10th & 11th August, O2 Arena, London UK

Well Iron Maiden at their “home” arena. Sounds good doesn´t it?
These two last shows of this European tour were my 31st and 32nd Maiden shows since 12th November 1986 when I saw them live first time. 

Iron Maiden kicked off their Legacy Of The Beast tour in Tallinn, Estonia 26th May so it was almost three months ago.
The tour landed on British soils on August. They have killer stage set so which was revealed at the beginning and there have been no changes in the stage set neither in the set list so British fans knew what to except. Nowadays you have to avoid almost all kind of media to stay safe from the set list spoilers or images from the shows.

Band were supposed to kick of at 9 pm. but they actually climbed on stage few minutes earlier.
Light off and Doctor Doctor , the UFO classic started from the speakers. Audience did some sing along and after that was the time for the legendary Churchill´s Speech which has been the band´s Aces High intro since World Slavery Tour.
Band rushed into Aces High with their full size Spitfire hanging in the ceiling and propellers buzzing. Bruce was full of energy running around the stage dressed up as the Spitfire pilot. Band sounded great from the start! Next number was, another classic from Piece Of Mind album "Where Eagles Dare". Nicko started his drum intro and Bruce dressed up as the soldier with his winter hat and white army jacket on. Then  2 Minutes To Midnight, The Clansman followed before the all time Maiden classic The Trooper in which the walking Eddie came out on stage and did some fencing with Bruce.
Then the band did one their greatest songs from the 80´s, penned by Mr.Dickinson "Revelations". The stage turned into Church as Dickinson was dressed up with a long black robe or a jacket. Damn his voice is in excellent condition! I elt like I was back at the 80´s listening him singing that at Live After Death...no it sounded much better now in 2018!

They continued with the theme about religion with "For The Greater Good Of God" before heading into Brave New World album opener Wicker Man which I remember was last played on the 2010 Frontier tour leg. After that was a time for another Blaze-era "Sign Of The Cross" which band played damn well. This particular song fits well to Bruce and he was doing his theatrical thing again dressed up with a black cloak and holding a cross in his hands pointing up at the audience with it. They also had some fireworks in this number which worked out great.

Finally it was time to hear Flight Of Icarus with Bruce having a flame gun, shooting flames towrds the roof, towards Nicko´s drum kit. Oh and there was a full size Icarus hanging above the Nicko´s drum kit. It seemed that the band did enjoy playing the song. Do you remember when this number was last played live by Maiden? World Slavery Tour? Bruce did it in his Chemical Wedding tour and that was 20 years ago. Great to hear it!

Last three songs before encores were Fear Of The Dar, The Number Of the Beast and ofcourse their title track Iron Maiden where they had this Legacy Eddie as inflatable at the back of the drum set.

The encores were The Evil That Men Do, Hallowed Be Thy Name which they brought back to the live set after the law issues and last but not least Run To The Hills. Bruce having fun on stage with his stick horse. If you can laugh to your self to have a great self-confidence!

In my opinion they did not leave any of us at the O2 cold. They gave us a hell of a show with great theatrical elements in it. Great songs and energy in it. I had a chance to meet Nicko McBrain at Tallinn before their opening show and he praised the new sound guy Kevin Pooch Van Druten. Well it was true what Nicko said, he is amazing and pro! Band did sound great!

Up The Irons!


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